Motoring Law Offences
This is a highly technical area of law requiring lawyers with the necessary niche legal expertise, and the added ability to assimilate and understand scientific evidence, to successfully defend what are often aggressive and inflexible prosecutions. Such scientific knowledge includes understanding how alcohol breath test and speeding machines operate and how to spot when there have been irreparable problems, causing wholly inaccurate and unreliable readings, for example when the machines have simply not been calibrated properly.
It is our experience that lawyers with the essential technical expertise, and the confidence that comes from dealing with these cases on a frequent basis, can make all the difference between a successful prosecution and a case being ‘thrown out’ of court prior to trial, or a client being found not guilty.
With smarter road policing, and most busy roads now covered by CCTV, our solicitors are being engaged privately to deal with all areas of motoring law on a regular basis. Whether it is driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs, or speeding offences, our solicitors have the requisite specialist knowledge and experience to assist you.
At CG Law, we readily recognise, that preserving your driving licence, often means saving your livelihood, being able to provide for your family and the ability to continue with your normal day to day life. We will meticulously prepare your case, engaging the relevant expert to assist if required. We will consider your personal circumstances, and can obtain evidence from those close to you, in the event that they will be affected by the loss of your driving licence. We have successfully advanced so-called ‘hardship’ arguments nationwide, to prevent our clients being disqualified after receiving the maximum penalty points, and we will guide you through this complex process from start to end.
We also appreciate that some of the more serious charges such as drink driving can cause huge reputational damage and, if engaged to assist you, we will immediately move to fearlessly protect your interests. In this regard we can advise on dealing with the often unfair media publicity that surrounds the more high profile arrests for cases of this nature. In 2004, Mr Georgiou was invited to the Houses of Parliament by Tony McWalter, then MP for Hemel Hempstead, in recognition of saving the driving licence of one of his mentally ill constituents who was charged with drink driving.
Other charges of causing death careless or dangerous driving can result in a loss of liberty and our team at CG Law has the necessary experience of dealing with the wide range of circumstances that can lead to such serious and life changing charges. If you face such a serious allegation you need a serious and accomplished legal team in your corner fighting for the best result for you. Instructing CG Law on a private basis ensures that you have just that.

Our Specialist Areas
Corporate Fraud

Our solicitors are not burdened with a heavy case load at any one time, and are best placed to give your case the attention it deserves.
With our strong links with specialist counsel in this field, we will leave no stone unturned in the preparation of your defence.
Indecent Image Cases

Having your computer, mobile phone or tablet seized by the police is a distressing experience. It can very often take up to a year, and longer, from when a device is seized by the police, until a final decision is made by the CPS. We will guide you through this process.
We fully appreciate that discretion is paramount, and we will work thoroughly and discreetly for you.
We have access to experts who can challenge certain aspects of such cases, such as the level/grading of images , were the images were found, and in some cases this can lead to charges being dropped, or reduced.
Corporate Manslaughter

Anyone suspected of such an offence would need immediate advice and representation from an expert in this area of law. Chris Georgiou has deep knowledge of the range of construction activities which can leave companies vulnerable to such a serious charge. His expertise will guide a company (and its Directors) through the complex legislation and provide practical and robust advice.
Money Laundering

Our solicitors have extensive expertise in this field, and have conducted dozens of cash seizure hearings at the magistrates court, and prepared many cases for trial in the Crown Court.
Motoring Law Offences

This is a highly technical area of law requiring lawyers with the necessary niche legal expertise, and the added ability to assimilate and understand scientific evidence, to successfully defend what are often aggressive and inflexible prosecutions. Such scientific knowledge includes understanding how alcohol breath test and speeding machines operate and how to spot when there have been irreparable problems, causing wholly inaccurate and unreliable readings, for example when the machines have simply not been calibrated properly.
It is our experience that lawyers with the essential technical expertise, and the confidence that comes from dealing with these cases on a frequent basis, can make all the difference between a successful prosecution and a case being ‘thrown out’ of court prior to trial, or a client being found not guilty.
With smarter road policing, and most busy roads now covered by CCTV, our solicitors are being engaged privately to deal with all areas of motoring law on a regular basis. Whether it is driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs, or speeding offences, our solicitors have the requisite specialist knowledge and experience to assist you.
Drug Offences

This is another area of crime that has seen a spike rise in prosecutions. The use of mobile phone evidence by the Police to bring prosecutions is now common place, and we have access to cell site experts who can be crucial in such cases.
Our solicitors are very familiar with scenarios where illicit drugs have been found on persons, in motor vehicles and in residential premises. This can be a daunting experience for all involved, and our solicitors have been involved in a range of cases over the years, ranging from simple possession of cannabis and cocaine, to large multi handed drugs supply cases.
Equally, we are also familiar with representing children of well respected individuals who have been caught at festivals or on a night out with illicit drugs. We can provide prompt arrival at a police station or court to deal with any arrest.
Mr Georgiou recently represented a staff member at Heathrow Airport charged with Conspiring with a Columbian Drug Cartel to import cocaine into the United Kingdom.
Sexual Offences

We understand the sensitivity involved for people who are facing questioning , or prosecutions for such offences. We therefore provide a thoroughly discreet service for our clients, and have experience in defending a wide spectrum of sexual offences. Our established links with chambers, allows us to instruct Grade 4 Specialist Counsel in this field to quickly advise if needed.
Our solicitors are very familiar in contesting, and amending Sexual Harm Prevention Orders, which are made on conviction, ensuring that any orders made are fair and relevant to the particular circumstances of the offence.
Health and Safety

The assistance of a lawyer with expertise in health and safety and regulatory law, at an early stage, can help to reduce the risk of offending, mitigate the effects of an incident, and can maximise the prospects of success at Court.
There has been a growing trend to prosecute company Directors, resulting in criminal convictions for the individual. Such a conviction can have incalculable adverse effects. Our tailored advice and expert advocacy can ensure the Director is afforded the greatest protection.
Chris Georgiou has proven expertise in this area, having advised and represented numerous companies and their Directors who own restaurants, warehouses, building sites and other places of work. His reputation is built on the quality of his representation and the success of his cases.
Mr Georgiou’s team of lawyers provide clear guidance and robust representation at every stage of a case, from early advice when an incident occurs, attendance at a police station, making representation to the Prosecuting Authority, and strategic advocacy throughout any Court proceedings.